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Red Deer Emergency Services responds to fire at high school

Toilet paper dispenser set on fire, says deputy chief
Red Deer Emergency Services responded to a fire at Hunting Hills High School on Friday afternoon. (Advocate file photo)

A toilet paper dispenser was set on fire inside a high school bathroom, says Red Deer Emergency Services.

In the early afternoon on Friday, firefighters responded to a call of a fire at Hunting Hills High School. Upon arrival, officers quickly located and extinguished a small fire in on of the school's bathroom.

"Someone had lit (the toilet paper dispenser) on fire unfortunately," said deputy chief Tyler Pelke.

"But there was pretty minimal damage because it's all tile there."

Just before 4 p.m., Hunting Hills High School posted about the incident on social media.

"There was a fire in the school today. There were no injuries. We are extremely proud of how the situation was handled by our staff, students, and Red Deer Emergency Services," states a post on Hunting Hills High School's Facebook page.

Students and staff were able to re-enter the school at 4 p.m. to collect their belongings – students had to immediately leave the building after collecting any belongings.

In a follow-up Facebook post, at about 5 p.m., Hunting Hills stated the school would be open on Saturday, June 8, so students could retrieve any items they had left behind. Students were asked to use the west entrance and needed to sign in before gaining entry.

"We thank you for your patience as we continue to deal with a fire that occurred in our school today," said the post.

"We will continue to update families should new information arise."

About the Author: Red Deer Advocate Staff

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