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Former Canadian chief of defence staff speaks at Red Deer Polytechnic

A former chief of defence staff of Canada discussed the Russia-Ukraine war, the unrest in the Middle East and the importance of leadership during a speech in Red Deer.
Rick Hillier, a retired Canadian Forces general who served as chief of the defence staff from 2005-2008, speaks to a crowd of about 100 people at Red Deer Polytechnic on Thursday. (Photo by Sean McIntosh/Advocate staff)

A former chief of defence staff of Canada discussed the Russia-Ukraine war, the unrest in the Middle East and the importance of leadership during a speech in Red Deer.

Rick Hillier, who served as chief of defence staff from February 2005 to July 2008, spoke to a crowd of about 100 people at Red Deer Polytechnic on Thursday, during the institution’s reading week.

“The impact of the turmoil around the world causes a variety of things to occur (here in Canada). It could result in the migration of millions of people, the price of energy and other goods to skyrocket,” Hillier said following the event at the Cenovus Learning Common.

“We should be working with all of our friends and nations to try to restabilize it – to help Ukraine defend its democracy, to stand by Israel after all the murders that took place there, to ensure Asia remains stable. Canada needs to be a part of that because as soon as things change, the impact is immediate.”

Prior to serving as chief of defence staff, Hillier was chief of land staff from May 2003 to February 2005. He was also appointed as the chair of the vaccine distribution task force for Ontario in November 2020.

Hillier said he wanted attendees to leave the event understanding the importance of leadership.

“We live in a country with limitless opportunity that needs strong leadership at every single level, whether that’s from individuals who lead in their own lives or families, lead in the community, lead in their province, and lead in the nation,” said Hillier.

“The higher you go in our nation in recent months and years seems to be languishing. We’ve seemed to have lost the impact and creditability that most of us who follow this closely believe is essential around the rest of the world. We need leadership rejuvenated.”

RDP president Stuart Cullum praised Hillier following his speech.

“Gen. Hillier is an honoured military veteran in our country. Having him here are RDP, speaking to our staff, faculty and students is an honour. He shared some really incredible lessons from his experience that we can take forward,” Cullum said.

Jonathon Penny, dean of RDP’s School of Arts and Education, echoed Cullum’s thoughts.

“I really loved that he thought about our context and shared lessons with us that are applicable to this institution in the way that it operates and also what we and our students will do beyond the walls of the institution,” Penny said.

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Sean McIntosh

About the Author: Sean McIntosh

Sean joined the Red Deer Advocate team in the summer of 2017. Originally from Ontario, he worked in a small town of 2,000 in Saskatchewan for seven months before coming to Central Alberta.
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