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Rocky Mountain House mayor wants lawyer to sit in on council meetings

Mayor says she has been verbally abused in heated closed-door meetings

Some Rocky Mountain House council gatherings have apparently become so heated Mayor Debbie Baich wants a lawyer to sit in on future sessions to “ensure a safe environment.”

In a Jan. 10 letter to councillors and town chief administrative officer Dean Krause, Baich said she had resumed all council duties following a leave of absence but “I remain concerned about the manner in which I am treated by other Councillors and the Administrator, particularly during in-camera sessions.

“In light of this, and in order to ensure a safe environment, I am requesting that the Town’s lawyer attend all future Council meetings, including the in-camera sessions in order to provide advice and guidance to Council and the Administrator regarding appropriate conduct during such meetings.”

At Tuesday’s council meeting, Baich explained her concerns about how some meetings had transpired.

On some occasions “decorum seems to go sideways,” she said. “It’s very stressful on all of the council members. There’s a lot of anxiety.

“I do not feel comfortable going to closed session due to previous closed-session instances. I will not be abused verbally and I don’t feel comfortable without having someone ensure that there’s decorum in closed sessions.”

Baich believes having a lawyer or someone else with municipal experience would improve the situation.

“The benefit would be that we could proceed with a more healthier council and we can focus on the business at hand, rather than arguing with each other in closed session.”

Coun. Tina Hutchinson took issue with Baich’s allegation of verbal abuse calling it a “bold statement.”

She called on Hutchinson to retract that comment “because I believe that is your opinion and it’s not necessarily what’s happening.”

Coun. Len Phillips said getting a lawyer to sit in on council meetings could cost $50,000 to $100,000 a year.

“I’m definitely not in favour of spending Rocky taxpayers money in the amount of $50(,000) to $100,000 just to have someone in our council meetings,” said Phillips.

“I think, you know what, having a discussion and having differences of opinion that’s sometimes healthy, and it’s good to have a debate, and at the end of the day, we just need to get over it and move on.”

Coun. Dave Auld also balked at the potential price tag.

“It is not a good use of funds for our community.”

Coun. Dale Shippelt said he was in favour of checking with legal counsel or Alberta Municipal Affairs to see if the kind of oversight Baich suggested was practical and what it might cost.

“Let’s see if it’s even a possibility to do because maybe it’s not.”

Council opted to take no other action other than to receive the letter for information, with Baich and Shippelt against.

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Paul Cowley

About the Author: Paul Cowley

Paul grew up in Brampton, Ont. and began his journalism career in 1990 at the Alaska Highway News in Fort. St. John, B.C.
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