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Coral Alberta Davids-Fry (nee Enzenauer)

August 24, 2021

August 6, 1921 - August 24, 2021
In loving memory ~
High Flight by John Gillespie Magee, Jr.
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings, Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds, and done a hundred things.
Coral passed away peacefully on August 24th, 2021 at the Harmony Care Home in Red Deer, Alberta. She was born in Kitscoty, Alberta on August 6th, 1921 and grew up on the family farm in the Lloydminster area. She celebrated her 100th birthday with family and friends and received congratulations from the Queen whom she always admired.
She was predeceased by her loving parents, Peter John Enzenauer (who served as an MLA for Lloydminster for several years) and Hallie Marie Cook Enzenauer as well as her two sisters Frances and Jean. When World War II interrupted her life in her early 20s, she 'stood to be counted' by joining the Royal Canadian Airforce and was sent over to England to serve her country.
Upon her return from the war effort, Coral went to work for Associated Airways where she met and married John Davids. Forged by a mutual love of aviation, theirs was a strong and loving relationship for many happy years but, sadly John passed away in 1982. Five years later, Coral married their mutual friend Maurice Fry. After Maurice's passing, Coral threw herself into volunteering at some of her favourite hangouts, the Royal Alberta Museum, the Alberta Aviation Museum, Fort Edmonton Park (where she portrayed Mrs. Rutherford at teas), and Central Lions where she was an avid member of the creative writing club. Coral was an ardent lover of reading, dancing, writing, travelling and anything to do with aviation and planes. She had fond memories of her early times growing up on the farm and of her horse, Nipper. But more than anything else, she was a diehard Canadian through and through.
Coral is lovingly remembered by her nieces Valerie, LaVerne and Coral, as well as nephews Warren (and Mona), Kevin and Bill (and Judy) and her step-grandson Randy (and Alyson). She will also be very missed by her dear friends Marlena (and Michael), Debra, Pat and all her wonderful friends at Central Lions in Edmonton. The family is sincerely grateful to Debra Miville, Abbie Cholowiski and Andrea Cameron for their loving care and support over the last few years of her life; and to Harmony Care Home Ltd. in Red Deer for their care of Coral in her last year.
Coral was cremated and laid to rest at the Edmonton Cemetery (11820-107th Ave NW, Edmonton, AB) beside the love of her life, John Davids.
To honour her memory, as per Coral's request, donations can be made to the charity of your choice or a food bank in your community.